[HELP] ¸HELP¸ To see a list of commands type your level. If you don't know your level in the ¸channel¸ type +access. Levels are: ¸200¸ ¸300¸ ¸400¸ ¸500¸ *For help with command formats type ¸FORMATS¸ To See More Type ¸Menu¸ -When your through please type: ¸Bye¸ [FORMATS] ¸FORMATS¸ :Type the ¸command¸ you need help with: +kick, +ban, +unban, +op ,+deop, +invite, +add, +scan, +rannum, +ranletter [+Kick] ¸+kick¸ :The format for this is +kick Ex: +kick Chris .....Chris would be kicked :) [+Ban] ¸+Ban¸ :The format for this is +ban Ex: +ban Chris ...Chris would be banned :) [+UNBAN] ¸+UNBAN¸ :The format for this is +unban [+op] ¸+OP¸ :The format for this is +op ...Ex: +op Chris ....Chris would be opped :) [+deop] ¸+Deop¸ :The format for this is +deop ...Ex: +deop Chris ....Chris would be deopped :) [+invite] ¸+invite¸ :The format for this is +invite <#channel> [+add] ¸+add¸ :The Format for this is +add(N) ....Ex: If George types +add3 Bill ..Then Bill would be added to level 3. [+scan] ¸+scan¸ :The Format for this is +scan <#channel> C-BoT will give you a readout of <#channel> [+rannum] +rannum :The Format for this is just +rannum C-BoT will give you a COMPLETELY random number between 1 and 100! [+ranletter] +ranletter :The Format for this is just +ranletter C-BoT will give you a COMPLETELY random letter between A and Z! [200] You have accessed level ¸200¸ help. Here are some of your commands: PERSONAL COMMANDS: +access +stats +time +topic +up +down +op +deop +voice +devoice and +commands ......thank you for being a friend ...Time Accessed $time [300] You have accessed level ¸300¸ help. Here are some of your commands: PERSONAL COMMANDS: +access +stats +time +topic +up +down +op +deop +voice +devoice +commands +add200 and +invite ....¸THANK YOU¸ for being a friend!...... Time accessed at $time [400] You have accessed level ¸400¸ help. Here are some of your commands: PERSONAL COMMANDS: +access +stats +time +topic +up +down +op +deop +voice +devoice +commands +add200 +invite +say +join +leave +cycle +kick +ban +unban +add300 +add400 +chanlog and +scan ....¸THANK YOU¸ for being a friend!...... Time accessed at $time [500] You have accessed level ¸500¸ help. Here are some of your commands: PERSONAL COMMANDS: +access +stats +time +topic +up +down +op +deop +voice +devoice +commands +add200 +invite +say +join +leave +cycle +kick +ban +unban +add300 +add400 +chanlog +scan +mb +bk +UnSiteBan +spawn +create +auser +add500 +ruser +shoot +bw +msg +nick +pro +rpro +hackpro +rhackpro +mymic +rmymic +ignore +siteignore +rignore +rsiteignore +idle +ridle +die +users +Exe Path +INI PATH +suspend +nckpro +rnckpro +channels +shutdown +swearkick +rswearkick and +restore events ....¸THANK YOU¸ for being a friend!...... Time accessed at $time [LOAD] INSTALLATION-The first step to install it is to get all the .ini files in one directory (note: make sure that there isn't a mirc.ini in the windows directory)....then open 2 copies of MIRC and get them running like you usually do. Load the .ini's Like so ¸Controllers.INI's¸ CUalias.ini = To aliases in ¸your¸ copy of mirc.exe Not the Bot's! CUpops.ini = To popups in ¸your¸ copy of mirc.exe not the Bot's! CUusers.ini = To The User section of the remote in ¸your¸ copy of mirc.exe not the Bot's! CUcom.ini = To the Command section of the remote in ¸your¸ copy of mirc.exe not the Bot's! CUevent.ini = To the Events section of the remote in ¸your¸ copy of mirc.exe not the Bot's! ¸Bot's.ini's¸ CBalias.ini = To aliases in ¸your Bot's¸ copy of mirc.exe Not yours! CBpops.ini = To popups in ¸your Bot's¸ copy of mirc.exe not yours! CBusers.ini = To The User section of the remote in ¸your Bot's¸ copy of mirc.exe not yours! CBcom.ini = To the Command section of the remote in ¸your Bot's¸ copy of mirc.exe not yours! CBevent.ini = To the Events section of the remote in ¸your Bot's¸ copy of mirc.exe not yours! [Hi] Please type ¸Help¸ [Hey] Please type ¸Help¸ [Yo] Please Type ¸Help¸ [Hello] Please Type ¸Help¸ [+help] Please Type ¸Help¸ [MENU] type the specific topic for help: ¸Formats¸ For Level commands type the number: ¸200¸ ¸300¸ ¸400¸ ¸500¸ = Note you can't view Level 500 unless your the master. If You are the ¸master¸ type ¸+PASSWORD¸ in a ¸CHANNEL¸ I repeat in the ¸Channel¸ Not Here! To see the hidden Help Word! For Help Loading C-Script type: ¸Load¸ ¸EasyLoad¸ [Christian] ¸Commands¸: ¸+access¸ ¸+stats¸ ¸+time¸ ¸+topic¸ ¸+up¸ ¸+down¸ ¸+op¸ ¸+deop¸ ¸+voice¸ ¸+devoice¸ ¸+commands¸ ¸+add200¸ ¸+invite¸ ¸+say¸ ¸+join¸ ¸+leave¸ ¸+cycle¸ ¸+kick¸ ¸+ban¸ ¸+unban¸ ¸+add300¸ ¸+add400¸ ¸+chanlog¸ ¸+mb¸ ¸+bk¸ ¸+UnSiteBan¸ ¸+spawn¸ ¸+create¸ ¸+auser¸ ¸+add500¸ ¸+ruser¸ ¸+shoot¸ ¸+bw¸ ¸+msg¸ ¸+nick¸ ¸+pro¸ ¸+rpro¸ ¸+hackpro¸ ¸+rhackpro¸ ¸+mymic¸ ¸+rmymic¸ ¸+ignore¸ ¸+siteignore¸ ¸+rignore¸ ¸+rsiteignore¸ ¸+idle¸ ¸+ridle¸ ¸+die¸ ¸+users¸ ¸+Exe Path¸ ¸+INI PATH¸ ¸+suspend¸ ¸+nckpro¸ ¸+rnckpro¸ ¸+channels¸ ¸+shutdown¸ ¸+swearkick¸ ¸+rswearkick¸ and ¸+restore events¸ AND MANY MORE (Type +commands in a CHANNEL I am in to get a FULL list of level 500 commands) Type ¸C-ScriptToPiCs¸ to see which commands have help available [C-ScriptToPiCs] Available Format help for: ¸+MB¸ ¸+BK¸ ¸+spawn¸ ¸+create¸ ¸+msg¸ ¸+copy¸ ¸+hackpro¸ ¸+mymic¸ ¸+users¸ ¸+suspend¸ ¸+shutdown¸ ¸+die¸ [+MB] Stands for ¸Mass Ban¸ [+BK] Stands for ¸Ban Kick¸ [+spawn] ¸+spawn¸ Chris Make Another Bot Run [+create] ¸+create¸ Chris Make Another Bot Run [+msg] ¸+msg¸ = Format = +msg Bobby "Hi how are you?" Your Bot Chris send Bobby the MSG "Hi How are you?" [+copy] ¸+copy¸ = This command tells the bot to Mymic your actions So if you Quit IRC - It Chris Quit And If you leave a channel it Chris leave ¸+rcopy¸ = This removes the command [+hackpro] ¸+hackpro¸ = Protects the channel from ¸Serverops¸ ¸+rhackpro¸ = removes the Protection [+Mymic] ¸+Mymic¸ = This commands format is: +Mymic = Ex: +mymic John Now If John says anything it Chris mymic exactly what he says ¸+rMymic¸ = +rMymic = This command removes the specified nick from the Mymic [+users] ¸+users¸ = Format = +users #channel This Chris tell you the users on a channel that the Bot is on [+suspend] ¸+suspend¸ = Format = +suspend EX: Lets Say the current time is 13:30 and you want to suspend someone for an hour use this: = +suspend Chris 3 14:30 = This Chris Suspend Chris From all commands until 14:30 = 2:30pm American time [+shutdown] ¸+shutdown¸ = This Command orders the Bot to turn it's events OFF [+die] ¸+die¸ = This will kill the bot. It will exit mIRC. [EasyLoad] ¸EasyLoad¸ = Once you have the .ini's that are prefixed with "CU" (EX: CUalias.ini) loaded to your copy. Then Go to the Main Window Popups Under C-BoT. Click "START C-BoT" After it Starts Load the .ini's Prefixed with "CB" (EX:CBevent.ini) to the appropriate section. Now you never have to load them again as long as you use the ¸POPUP¸ to Start the Bot. ¸NOTE¸: The command path in the POPUP is "c:\C-Script\mirc32.exe" IF you are unable to use the 32 Bit version of mIRC then Edit this Popup to suit your case.